Thursday, April 29, 2010


Oh, shit, here we go.

So, I started one of these blogs [blogs? vlogs? internet? where am I?] I've been hearing so much about, and boy is it just a blast.

I am NOT going to talk about the blog I made in 7th grade where I posted my thoughts on politics that I basically just parroted from my dad/ The News Hour With Jim Lehrer, because that is a chapter in my history that I am so not about to go over.

I guess my objective is to, just, like, be funny and, like, express my thoughts, and whatever, and, like, whatevzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x300

Um. Should I introduce myself? I'm assuming if you're reading this you're one of my friends/relatives, and if not, like, get out of here. What are you, a pedophile? Don't make me blow my rape whistle.

Well, just in case you're some stranger walking in off the proverbial web streets and not a friend [just kidding! I know I have no friends!] I'm Carolyn, I'm a teenager, a Jew, a Jersey girl, an American, a queer gal, a strange one, and a music aficianado. I also have chronic fatigue and I don't go to school, so that's probably why I have no friends.

Nice, I think we got things off on the right foot. BYE FOR NOW.

1 comment:

  1. LOLOL @ the pedophilia tag. Congratz on your new Blug!
